About Us
The Western Australian Association of the Deaf (WAAD) is the state branch of the Deaf Australia, and is a voluntary association representing the needs and interests of the Deaf community of Western Australia.
All board members of the WAAD Board are Deaf and volunteer their time and efforts.
The current Board members are:
Shannon Scarvaci
President / Treasurer
Jen Moloney-Hyde
Patricia Levitzke-Gray
Susan Bates
Secretary Assistant / Minutes Taker
Nishma D'Agostino
Board Member
Drisana Levitzke-Gray
Board Member
A maximum of nine members can be elected onto the Board, if you are interested in becoming a board member of WAAD. Please contact us!
WAAD organises popular events for the Deaf community, including the traditional Good Friday Picnic which is always well attended, and the annual National Week of Deaf People – a week long celebration of the Deaf community, Auslan, our culture and heritage. The information about National Week of Deaf People can be found on this website.
WAAD can be contacted via email at info@waad.org.au
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For more in-depth information about deafness, advocacy, Deaf issues etc please visit the Deaf Australia (DA) website at deafaustralia.org.au